Silent Power is the Most Powerful Force

The Silent Buddha

Don’t waste what is holy on people who are unholy. Don’t throw your pearls to pigs! They will trample the pearls, then turn and attack you. Matthew 7:6

This post is about the right way to use your power. Each one of us, by the virtue of being human, has a certain amount of power. Some of us more, others less. But we all do.

However not everyone knows how to use it.

First thing to realize is the spoken word is not as powerful as the concentrated thought that is never spoken aloud.

If you speak, and by doing that you lose some part of the focusing powers of your mind, then you lessen the power of your thought.

Because when you speak, you focus is on the outside, rather than on the inside.

In other words, when you speak, you interfere with the focusing powers of your mind. You have to withdraw your attention from the internal and place it on the external.

Don’t be quick to talk.

Don’t be quick to answer.

It always takes time before you can speak wisely. You have to be silent before you can utter words in a meaningful fashion.

To speak wisely rather than just mere words, you have to be able to secure at least some amount of concentration on the subject at hand.

So, don’t scatter your power by talking about it to other people. Know that the most potent force is the silent power.

Avoid Leaking Power

People use to brag and boast about the things they do well. Great people, in contrast, keep their beliefs to themselves. They don’t share them. They concentrate their inner power and use it on what they are trying to accomplish, on their work at hand. They don’t talk about it.

By doing that they avoid leaking power while not working.

Great people are not like a village wise persons who spill their wisdom everywhere and with every fool they encounter on the street. They use thier wisdom only if it can do some good work.

So, you too should keep your power for yourself, until the time has come to put it into action.

When that time comes, give the best you can, don’t spare yourself, don’t save your power for some future opportunity.

Believe me, there’s enough power in your for the future undertakings. Because the Divine supply in you is inexhaustible.

If you are a writer, let you best thoughts be reserved for your copy. If you are an entrepreneur, don’t share your best ideas before you realize them. In any case, don’t cast your pearls in front of the crowd that just wants to be entertained by you.

Mental Images are the Bases of Any Accomplishment

The creative process starts with a single mental image. So the first thing you would want to create is a mental image of what you want to accomplish.

Think of this image as a “mental seed”. It will attract similar thoughts to it. As long as you concentrate your inner power, as long as your desire provides fuel for this idea, your mental seed will continue to attract associated thoughts and images.

Nikola Tesla was famous for using this ability of the mind. He could work out his original mental images to perfection before realizing them on the material plane. Every thing, every undertaking, has to be created on the mental plane first.

Beware of Negative Images

All the time we act in accordance with the images we create for ourselves. Our subconscious doesn’t know for a joke.

If given negative images, it will act accordingly.

So beware not to mold wrong images, because they will lead to negative outcomes.

If you imagine disease, fear, scarcity, and limitation, your life will express them sooner or later.

Instead, think of abundance, joy, freedom, health, and power.

Exactly what you think is what you manifest in the physical world.

If you cannot deal with negative images, you can and should try to clear your mind of negative thoughts and reprogram your subconscious mind.

Beware of the Naysayers

The human nature is filled with contradictions and oppositions. Know that naysayers are everywhere around you.

If you share your plans for success and abundance, chances are you will be sharing them with naysayers. Two out of three persons will negate your ideas without giving them a second thought. They might not do that openly. But they will do that silently.

You shouldn’t blame them either.

They do that because they truly believe it is impossible. They have been programmed to think so. They don’t believe they themselves or anyone they know can reach anything beyond mere existence, or even poverty.

So, again, keep your ideas private. Your plans are only for yourself. Talk about success once you have realized it. Talk about abundance once you get there.

The best times to share your plans is once you have achieved them.

But, if you are absolutely certain a person can help you with your plans without having any negativity associated with them, share your intention with them. There are supportive people worthy of your trust.

Remember that the battle you are fighting is entirely in the domain of the mind. Your mind above all material things.

Increase your mental powers by practicing concentration and stillness of your mind. That way you can summon more focus and make your motivation much clearer.

What’s your favorite way to increase the creative powers of your mind? You can share it in the comments below.

Photo credit: venkatesh sampath

Filed under: Blog Posts, Personal Growth